Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ehem,, gaji pertama :DD

ga terasa gw udah sebulan ngajar..
FYI, gw mahasiswi yang pengen tau rasanya and punya pengalaman nyari duid sambil kuliah. finally, di jurusan gw (yang selalu ada lowongan) ketempel 1 lowongan buat ngajar di daerah tambun, which is, ga begitu jauh dari rumah gw di perum 3. saat gw telepon nomor pemilik and akhirnya gw disuruh datang buat 'wawancara'. ternyata, wawancara yang dimaksud bukan penuh dengan suasana tegang dan mencekam, tapi hanya tanya jawab biasa dan penentuan gaji dan kelas. fiiiuuuhhh... beruntung, sang pemilik dan istrinya orang yang ramah dan sangat mengerti tentang keadaan mahasiswi kaya gw :D

awal pengalaman gw ngajar emang ga enak. grogi, feeling unconfident, lil bit ashame, trus ditambah sama anak-anak dengan naturaliah mereka yang berisik. minggu pertama gw sukses gw lewatin, and lewat minggu ke-2, gw cinta murid-murid gw. mereka pintar, menghibur dan penuh rasa ingin tahu. semua emosi, yang sebenarnya gw ni high-tempered banged, bisa hilang gitu saja waktu gw udah ngliat, and ngedenger mereka bercanda, merhatiin apa yang gw ajarin. how glad i am :D i'm feeling so much lucky with this condition.

and of course, i'm thinking about the salary. i never get paid before, and finally, i felt it.

sebelumnya gw udah punya planning apa aja yang bakal gw lakuin sama my first salary. first, @least i have something to bring to my house, for my dearest family. i thought to buy them delicious food, n i keep it to make it reality. then, i've looked for some cool watch (i'm addicted to blingy goldy watch), and i found one, gold, cool and it's affordable for me!! promise it that one for me, i really want it. next, i wanna go shopping. it's been long time for me not to be lavish, i prefer to save my money in the account for digital camera i really want for, i think it's a right time to buy some clothes and, maybe some shoes :) can't really wait for this!

okay, it's on early month, i kew from another teacher there that salary is given in early a months.

i went teaching and hoping that this is the time. i wait, after first class in the day, the boss didn't yet come to give me. hahahahhahahahaha. but in the middle of second class, he gave me a white envelope, yippiiiiiieeee... that's my salary :D my day seems brighter. love the day much! :))

i went home on fire. i wanna buy martabak for my family. hmmmm.... yummy ones!!!

then, i already booked my fave watch, it's reserved on my senior and i got special discount!! ;) love u my senior...
<3 my new baby @home now <3

i'm really glad for all this graces on me :D. i keep praying and thank Allah for this. keep me on fire to get my own money and more experiences ya Rabb :D 

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